February 17, 2012

02.17.2012 Moon Hooch

This band was brought to my attention a few months ago, and I was pleasantly surprised by the music my ears were hearing. I mean, you really don't know what you're getting into when all you know is that the band is called "Moon Hooch." Let me tell you, you're getting into something good.

Tagged along to their concert at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn not knowing what sort of crowd would greet me. The crowd wasn't shocking, but I was SHOCKED (yes, CAPS LOCK SHOCKED) at the group themselves. I mean, they're young. I'm saying young enough that I just kept making that face you make when you see a really cute puppy. They're adorable.

But besides being adorable, their music is good. This is coming from somebody that generally doesn't feel much affinity for instrumental music. It's instrumental, and it's good. It takes a lot for me to say that, but I said it. Take a listen and decide for yourself if Moon Hooch makes instrumental cool:

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