January 31, 2012

01.31.2012 "Be My Penguin"

A couple of weeks ago, I went to my nephew's pre-school as a volunteer. The teachers, not wanting to bore the children with an analysis of medieval French literature or a survey of quantum physics,  centered their lesson plan on arctic animals. Inventive.

A part of my morning involved playing a game with my nephew called Penguin Pile-Up. Each player takes turns (or not, if you're four years-old) setting small, plastic penguins on an unstable plastic iceberg. Social commentary on the global warming conspiracy that's way over the heads of pre-school'ers? Probably. Keep stacking those pengiuns, kids. Keep stacking until there are no more plastic icebergs floating around the North Pole.

All education aside, let's focus. Thanks to pre-school, I now have this song in my life. If you thought you loved penguins before, think again. Check yourself.

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