July 1, 2012

07.01.2012 Missed Connections

After a brief hiatus, during which all THREE of this blog's followers (thanks for making me feel semi-relevant, you three) were feeling a void in their lives, I'm back. I felt terrible to leave for any amount of time, not knowing where people would go to hear very particular and unnecessarily sarcastic commentary on random topics (disproportionately favoring Wisconsin-related subjects). That made me feel as though there was a void in MY life. If you will, let's call it a "missed connection."

While I was missing the opportunity to connect with the world through my blog posts, most of which I suspect go unread, the people of the world continued to miss connections with complete strangers... leading them to Craigslist and the "Missed Connections" listings (now you see where I was going with all the background and build-up).

As I make my return, I leave you with this recent listing from Missed Connections NYC and only one question, "If a person with a foster cat named Yoda can't find love, who can?" Actually, let's follow up with a second question: "Do cat-related pick-up lines actually work?" Ask yourself. And I'll see you again tomorrow.

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