December 3, 2012

Secret Santa Gift Exchanges

Either I'm really feeling the holiday spirit or I'm simply enraptured by the mystery of the always traditional, always entertaining, always slightly awkward office Secret Santa gift exchange.

From the drawing of the names, during which nobody ever seems to get a person for whom they'd like to buy while everybody prays that fate won't allow "that guy (or girl)" to select their name, to the first gifts and theories on the unknown present providers, I'm all about it.

People lurk around areas of the office in which they'd normally only visit if pressing business matters led them there, and when you complain about that bar of soap or pair of hearing aid batteries you received (don't forget, I work at Duracell), you hope to yourself that the person to whom you express distaste isn't the one who carefully chose that gift for you.

But to the co-worker that purchased a goofy-faced pizza slicer for me (pictured below for reference) to fulfill the first day's low spend gift obligation, you either know me very well or took quite a successful shot in the dark. I actually needed a pizza slicer, so without any hint of sarcasm, I say thank you. And without any hint of shame, I also say that I think this pizza slicer is a little ridiculous but entirely awesome.

Source: Amazon (Kitch Gadgets)

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