January 22, 2013

"Bossypants" by Tina Fey

This book has certainly been out for awhile now, but there are many reasons why I feel that now is an appropriate time for this post.

(1) I haven't pushed it on you yet, which is a shame. I love to push books on people, but these books are infrequently of any interest to others despite what I tell myself. Hence, because this book is actually good and probably very interesting to most general readers/non-readers, it's a shame I haven't forced you to immediately sit down and read it. Example quote (and brilliant life advice):

"Some people say, 'Never let them see you cry.' I say, if you're so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone."

(2) Tina Fey's brilliant brain child of a television show, 30 Rock, is coming to an end this month. Yes, "brilliant" is used quite subjectively, which I acknowledge. However, it's a funny show that has actually earned a few reputable awards in the industry. Don't ask me to list the awards, because I probably couldn't. Just know that I know that it won awards and is actually very funny. I'll miss not watching the show live on television in favor of a lethargic Saturday afternoon Hulu viewing, and therefore believe that I should also give some credit to her book.

(3) I was recently shopping at the Barnes & Noble on 5th Ave. and W. 18th Street and noticed something absolutely spectacular. I don't know who was in charge of putting books on display, but something tells me that we would get along really well. That's "Bossypants" on the right with the yellow cover:

I think Tina Fey would approve.

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