January 8, 2013

Giant Squid (Architeuthis)

When I heard news that they had released the first live images of a giant squid (Architeuthis, if you want to get scientific) swimming off the coast of Japan earlier today, I was terrified. I mean, I'm incredibly thrilled for modern scientists and this incredible documentation of one of the ocean's greatest creatures and all, but I had enough trips to the museum as a child to know that I am instantly scared of even the thought of a giant squid.

The part of the museum dedicated to the giant squid was usually very dark (obviously replicating their natural habitat in the darkest depths of the sea), which is scary enough. Then, the exhibits show this beast to scale. I say "beast," because they're known to be upwards of 30 feet in length, tentacles included, and up to 450 pounds. I'd suggest a diet, if I wasn't concerned I would become part of it. The giant squid is scary, and that's all I have to say.

But despite my own fears, I feel it is appropriate to allow you all to admire (at your own risk!) the now famous (yet terrifying!) photograph to which I have been referring:

Source: NHK/NEP/Discovery Channel/AP

I know, it doesn't make me feel any better about giant squids (or swimming in any open body of water, while we're at it). However, this second photo makes me feel much better! Look at the cute little squid being friends with the deep sea diver! Okay, now we can all sleep better tonight. You're welcome!

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